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Eliminate Coffee Stains On Your Rug

Posted on September 8, 2022

For as long as humans have been drinking coffee indoors, spills and stains have been an issue. The dark brown, sometimes black, color doesn’t mesh well with the rest of the rug and its design. And the bigger the stain, the bigger the eye sore. Thankfully, Angel offers a premiere rug cleaning service in Glendale for an affordable price!

Call Angel carpet cleaning today for a free estimate and learn about how rug cleaning in Glendale can benefit you. In the meantime, our professional cleaning experts have come up with a list of three things to avoid coffee stains on your rug:

1. Don’t Drink Coffee

The easiest way to avoid coffee stains on your rug is to not drink the beverage. In all seriousness, coffee spills are all about timing and carelessness. You set the mug down and forget it’s there because something comes up and you’re immediately distracted. Perhaps you’re someone who spills drinks all the time and coffee is no exception.

Being mindful of your surroundings can prevent any type of spill. In fact, applying this strategy to other things in life would probably help too. Coffee stains are extremely common and something we encounter regularly at Angel. The majority of our rug cleaning in Glendale deals with some sort of wine, food, or coffee stain.

2. Home Spot Treatments

An effective homemade cleaning solution has the potential to work wonders on coffee stains that can ruin your rug. And the best part is, you can pretty much make them out of everyday household items. All you need is a little dish soap, white vinegar, and warm water before you’re all set to go for personal rug cleaning in Glendale!

The ratios between items can vary, but typically, you’ll want to use no more than a tablespoon of both soap and vinegar, and then mix it with one to two cups of warm water. The acidity from the white vinegar works to brighten up the rug in contrast with the dark coffee stain. This formula produces good results often, and if it doesn’t, give us a call at Angel!

3. Hire Professional Rug Cleaning

Not every coffee stain can be defeated with home spot cleaners. For whatever reason, the type of rug doesn’t respond and you end up stressing out over this massive coffee stain. Angel rug cleaning in Glendale is here to fix the problem because coffee stains are something we’ve been dealing with for several years and we know all the tricks!

We know all too well that coffee stains don’t discriminate when it comes to rugs. It doesn’t matter if your rug was purchased for a few bucks at a garage sale or made of the finest materials by a designer. Coffee will stain the rug and cause permanent damage if you allow the stain to settle.

Angel keeps a mobile team of Glendale rug cleaning technicians deployed throughout the community, so when it’s ready to address an emergency coffee spill, we can arrive within the hour! Spilling coffee on your rug shouldn’t force you to decide on whether or not you get to keep your rug. Angel is waiting to help and get the job done.

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